Sonya Skinner
Board Member
Sonya Skinner,
Sonya Skinner is a registered nurse and has been in the healthcare industry for 30 plus years. Her job includes being the Safety Officer and Emergency Preparedness Coordinator for Ascension St. Vincent’s Hospitals and Clinics.
In addition to her role as a Safety Officer, she has been the Nursing Supervisor for the AL-1 Disaster Medical Assistance Team (DMAT) with the National Disaster Medical System (NDMS). As a disaster nurse, she has been deployed to all major disasters since 9/11, including Hurricane Katrina and the three Hurricanes in 2017: Harvey, Irma, and Maria. Prior to the Pandemic Response to COVID-19, she was deployed to San Antonio’s Lackland Airforce base to render medical care to the Wuhan Province and Princess Cruise Line COVID-19 patients. The President of the United States awarded her the Covid-19 Civilian Response Service Medal from the nation.
She is an event nurse with NASCAR Racing and was previously the Clinical Flight Nurse Coordinator for AirMed International, a medical flight service.
Her career started at UAB in the Emergency Department as the Charge Nurse and then later as Assistant Nurse Manager for the Acute Trauma Care Unit.